Parent Resources
School Directory
St. Joseph uses an app, DirectorySpot, to give our families access to the school directory right from their computer or smartphone. The information for the directory is collected on a separate form during registration and is entered manually each year. This allows families to choose how their personal information is shared within the school community.
You can choose what specific information you would like to have (or not have) in the directory and change it at any time. Simply send an email to with your new address or phone number and we will update it for you.
The DirectorySpot app is available for iPhone and Android or you can access it on your desktop.
The app is very secure and only parents and staff of St. Joseph will be granted access. Each user will logon with their authorized email address and set their own password. If you would like more information on the security features, please click here. If you are having trouble logging in, step-by-step instructions are available here.
If you submitted a school directory form with your registration package you will automatically get an email with instructions on how to download DirectorySpot and set your password. If you chose not to participate in the directory, you can still access the app - just send a request to with your email address.
Once you have access the directory, please take a moment to review you family's information. Please forward any corrections to: SJKDIRECTORY@GMAIL.COM
School App
St. Joseph Catholic School is part of the CISND app. To stay up-to-date on what's happening at the school and receive important messages, we ask that you download it to your mobile device.
Helpful Links
EASE at Home - Everyday Anxiety Strategies
It can be hard for adults to know what to say or do to ease a child’s worries, especially during times of change and uncertainty. As the most important big people in their world, parents and caregivers can help children feel safer and soften the sharp edges of whatever is making their worries grow. To help support learning across environments, several fun and practical EASE lessons have been adapted for use by parents and caregivers to help children manage worries and anxiety at home.
Raising Digitally Responsible Youth - a Parent's Guide
Technology changes every single day making it nearly impossible to keep up with it all. This Parent’s Guide to Raising Digitally Responsible Youth gives you what you need to know to stay in the loop about the most popular applications (apps) and trends. This information will equip you to better understand your child or teen and help you relate to the digital world that they are living in.